
Showing posts from June, 2022

Pros and Cons of being a Grab Food Delivery Walker/Biker/Rider

 Here are some Pros of being a Grab Food Delivery Walker/Biker/Rider and why I tried  1. Flexible income You can choose to work any time you want, any place you want, and for how long. You decide it for yourself. 2. Good Exercise You get to work out especially if you are a walker. paid to work out and exercise. Being a biker and rider, you also got to walk more during collection of food and when passing the food to the customer. 3. Get to learn more about your neighbourhood/place When you deliver, you get to know your neighbourhood better. As a delivery walker, I got to know where some blocks are located and some roads I didn't know existed. I get to know some short cuts to some roads too.  4. Learn more about new food outlets and popular food outlets I got to learn that there is a new wanton mee stall in the neighbourhood, because of an order assigned to me for delivery. Also I found out that the mala stall in the neighbourhood is really popular, I didn't know that ...

5 Tips for a Grab Food Delivery Partner (walker/rider/bike)

 Whether you are a walker or a rider, here are 5 tips I have learnt which might help you if you are just starting out or planning to start out 1. Best time is between 11am - 2pm, 5pm-8pm. Best days are Fri, Sat and Sun. Sometimes they have incentives during these times and make sure you take advantage of it. :)  2. Hang out near shopping malls and food court Higher chance of having orders assigned to you if you are around shopping malls and food courts. It's best if there's a food court near shopping mall.  3. Downtown does not necessary give you more tips.  I went to Orchard, Chinatown and City Hall. Delivery are usually to Hotel Lobby, Condos and staff who are working and do not have time to go out to dabao. Nevertheless Grab give you extra incentives if you go down to deliver during peak hours and meeting their minimum requirements. I receive more tips delivering in neighbourhood areas and never receive any from Town areas.  4. For HDBs, look at the unit numb...

5 things I learnt being a Grab Food Walker

I tried Grab Food walker for one month and here are 5 things I have learnt:   1. Time = Money Each hour can translate to money to be earned. Why waste your time watching Netflix when you can earn more $ during your free time.  Being a Grab Food Walker or Rider is flexible, you can earn anytime you like. 2. Set a Goal and work towards it Sometimes I have no motivation to work. Why work under the hot sun and humid weather?  But I remember I have a goal to achieve so I continued to press on. It's important to have a goal in life so you can work towards it. 3. The ability to earn big = the number or how large the impact of problems you have solved So for eg. when I deliver a food for a customer, I helped to solve the problem for that customer, who might find it inconvenient to leave his house to buy food, thus I earn around $4. If I deliver food for 10 customers, I solve the problems for 10 customers, and so I earn around $4 x 10 = $40. Grab on the other hand earn as a middle...