Budget airlines

Wow.. because of the availability of budget airlines..travelling become more affordable now. :D

Here are some low cost and budget airlines in Singapore:

Tiger Airways
Jetstar Asia
Cebu Pacific
Lion Air

Tiger Airways..
The low cost airline based in Singapore had made several headlines in the past for its not-up-to standard service... but it's cheap! :) ROAR!
(We have tiger beer, tiger airways.. what's next? What time is it? Yes, it's tiger time.)

Jetstar Asia..
Australia's low cost airline has recently made Singapore its Asian hub. :D
I like the fact that it operates in Terminal 1 instead of budget terminal. haha.. cos this means that I can use the facilites and shop inside Terminal 1.

Malaysian's low cost airline.. I read somewhere that its nasi lemak is good. haha. I think I read it from Budget Tai Tai's column in the Today's newspaper. haha.

Cebu Pacific...
I haven't heard much about this Philipines' airline though..

Lion Air...
The first time I heard about this Indonesian airline was from my vietnamese friend. I ask her what airline does she usually take and she said "Lion air." I replied "U mean Tiger Air?" She said "no, Lion air, there is tiger air and a lion air." I was thinking"oh. I am so sua gu" :/ haha. anyway.. I just found out that Lion air is one of listed in the list of air carriers banned in EU due to safety concerns.
I expect 2 kinds of reactions when people read this
1. Aiyoh. My life is worth more than anything else
2. Nevermind la, if is fate to die than die lor..
I have the first reaction.

Some of my friends use Zuji, the online travel company owned by Travelocity to compare prices of airlines. They have a Facebook fan page where you can take part in some of their contests and win vouchers. I haven't win any though. Maybe u can win them.

Other travel portals u might wanna use to compare prices of air tickets...


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