Running Review: Nike We Run SG 2012

I have been signing up for a few running events so I have decided to do reviews on the events I signed up for :D

This is my first Nike We Run SG - 21 Oct 2012 - and certainly won't be my last. :D
If I have one word to describe it, it would be FANTASTIC!

Before the run, training runs were organised to prepare runners for the event

On the race pack collection day:
- There were activities for u to take part in
- You can also exchange your race shirt for the right size if you found out that your shirt is too small/big. This is good news, I am one of those who exchange my shirt for a bigger one.
(The race shirt is nice, so is the finisher tee)
- If you are within the first 300 people at the booth, you can customize your shirt

Race Day:
- Run is held in City Hall Area
- Water points - 100 Plus / Ice mountain available
- After the race you get a Finisher Tee, which I personally think is more useful that a finisher's medal
- You can take photos at the photo booths available
- Eat free ice-cream :D

After the race:
- Race results are available on the Nike Running Facebook page the next day
- A post race memento available on the Nike Running Facebook page

One not so good point
- The queues at the baggage collection areas are super long. It took me about an hour to collect my bag after the race. :(

Goodies in the race pack
- Nike water bottle
- Nike Tee
- Event information
- D tag

Overall, it's a fantastic event. The weather was cloudy, most people were young and enthusiastic (fees are cheaper for people < 25 years old), and there are many post race activities which you can take part in. I give it a 9/10 rating. No wonder Nike we run race is always so popular.


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