How to use reusable coffee pod with Nespresso Essenza Mini Coffee machine

 Due to the rising costs of coffee pods, and the need to save the environment and reduce wastage, I purchased the reusable coffee pod from Lazada so I can use my Nespresso Essenza machine to brew any coffee that I like. No longer restricted to Nespresso, Starbucks, L'or coffee Pods!

I prefer metal coffee pod as compared to plastic pods as plastic might release harmful chemicals at high temperature. Better to err on the safe side.

I purchased my reusable pod here from lazada. I chose the one with the aluminum food sticker because I saw the coffee pods are also using the stickers on their pods. The downside is that you have to keep purchasing the stickers once it is used up. Here are the pods that uses a cover instead of stickers, which I have yet to try. Be sure to make sure it's compatible with your machine before you purchase it.

How do you use the reusable coffee pod?

1. Put some grounded coffee into the coffee pod.

2. Compress the coffee grounds with a tamper or the back of the spoon. This is to make sure there are no additional air in between, and water can flow through evenly. This step can ensure a nice crema. 

3. Cover it with the food safety stickers 

4. Put your coffee pod into the Nespresso machine.

5. Press start and enjoy!


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