Secrets on How to Sell and Make More Money on Carousell

Many know that you can make extra money by selling your second hand items or gifts on Carousell, but how do you increase the likelihood of your items being sold? How do you reach out to more audience and increase the visibility of your items?

Here are some secrets imparted to me by my friend who was quite successful selling products on Carousell.. 

1. Take nice photos of your products before uploading them
- Photos should be professional and show the beauty/visibility of your product. Take the photo and see it through the perspective of a buyer. If you yourself wont buy what's is shown in the picture, chances are no one else will. 

- You can enhance the photos using free Apps such as FotoRus and PicsArt

2.  'Like' products of other Users
- Liking products of other users will notify those users that you liked them. Most users will be curious who like their product and check out your profile. They will then see what you are selling and contact you if they see something you like.

3. 'Follow' other users
-Similar to liking products of other users,  following other users will prompt other users to look at your profile too. Some will in turn follow you and be notified if you upload new items.

4. Put your price as '$0'
If you are really desperate for your product to be sold, you can put your price as $0 and inform the prospective buyer of the price you are selling when they contact you. Putting your price as $0 will list your product as the first product when a user search a product and sort by lowest price

5. Join Carousell Groups and share  your products in those groups
Share your products in relevant Carousell Groups and increase the chances of your products being sold. People who are interested in items will look for items in those groups. 

6. Share your items on Facebook and Instagram
By sharing your items on social media such as Facebook and Instagram, more people will get to know of your products that you are selling and it increases the chances of your products being sold. Most people prefer to buy from someone that they know and trust than from a stranger


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